Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Deliberate Life

"No one owes you happiness."

That line hit me hard last night watching what I thought was just another fishing film at the IF4 showing last night in Orem, Utah.

You have to make your own happiness, the film went on to say. You have to want it, find it, and accept it when you have it.

You have to fight for it. You have to fight for everything anyway, why not for the things you love and want.

I might be a little guilty of waiting around, waiting for happiness to find me. I've been working on a few things, but maybe not hard enough.

The words of last night echo in my head.

Am I going to let another 20 years go by waiting and picking at it? Why not life a deliberate life of happiness?

What is my happiness? Why not go and get it? Why not be happy now? Right now?

What about you?

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