Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Little Too Far

Recently I was strolling through the aisles at the local library and I happen to see a familiar looking cover of a book that caught my eye. It was one of those "dummies" book. If fact it was called "EBay for Dummies".

I have always been interested in making my millions on eBay, so I stopped and noticed the many other eBay books that surrounded the "dummies" book and browsed through them.

On the same aisle, I noticed another "dummies" book, "Vocabulary for Dummies". This time I didn't look at the books around it, but started noticing how many other "dummies" books were located in almost every section.

In a short time, I found the one. The one where I have to say maybe we have gone a little too far. You see, I don't like the "dummies" books. Not that I'm afraid of admitting that I'm a dummy, it's just that I don't feel the need to advertise it.

Now subjects like eBay or Volkswagen Repair, or Raising Gerbils for dummies are all OK in principle. These are subjects to launch yourself into, even if you are a dummy. But this last book I found is not a subject for dummies..."Home Schooling for Dummies".

I guess if you're teaching dummies, it may be OK, but if you are planning on conducting home school- you may want to start out at a level higher than dummy.

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