Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Under God

I pledge Allegience to the Flag of the United States of America and to the replublic for which it stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisable, with Libery and Justice for all.

A lot has been said about this little series of words and I have to admit, I have a lot to say about it as well, but let's keep it limited for simplicity sake.

The current debate is whether "under God" is appropriate for our school kids to recite. In some opinions, it is the same as state sponsored religion.

The other side would say that if someone is opposed to "under God", just don't say it.

But the counter arguement is that one shouldn't "have" to not say it- it shouldn't be said at all due to it's acknowledgement of diety which is a church issue not a state issue.

I say, what about those whose religion does not allow them to say the Pledge of Allegience at all? Say... the Jehoviah's Witnesses. Their children are subjected daily, within our schools, of looking at the flag, of having to listen to the Pledge, of studying, discussing the idea of national boundries and politics. What about them? I believe they just do not participate when our activities violate their personal beliefs. Is this acceptable? Where do we draw the line?

I think we need to really consider the difference between oppression and just having a minority opinion.

I commonly have a minority opinion when it comes to most theology questions and I am able to simply let the masses have theirs when I am with the masses and I get to have mine when it's just me and mine- or when I have the majority opinion.

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