Friday, November 30, 2007

Frolov and Schneider Said...

There is nothing sadder in this world than the waste of human potential. The purpose of evolution is to raise us out of the mud, not have us groveling in it.

Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I wrote about potential yesterday, but as I thought about it all, it really isn't the potential that matters- it's only the perceived value of a person or at least his abilities, the trick is doing something about it!

So today, I am going to follow my own advice and set my course of what to do. Using my own observed 7 elements of success, I iwill map out and do and make my potential realized! as the own saying goes, it's time to crap or get off the pot!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yogi Berra Said...

If you come to a fork in the road, take it.

Life's Paths

It's wierd. Sometimes you find yourself on a strange path that you really do not know where you are heading and, what's worse, you have no idea how you got there!

Yesterday, I sat at my desk, wondering how the hell I got there. I am engaged in a job that I hate doing, yet affords me many things- the biggest of which is money. It just feels like blood money, life money-- as in my blood, my life. Why am I there? It's a job, a sucky one, but a job secured nonetheless.

The problem occurs when I feel down deep inside the possibilities- the "could be's" maybe even the "should be's". I have gifts but not gifts that play guitars or sing. I have the gift to speak. I can speak like few others, but no one cares if you can speak, unless someone else cares that you can speak.

I have the gift of writing. I love to write, but little time to write and no one to which to write. Is anyone out there reading right now?

I have always said that Potential is a wonderfully horrible thing. To have it is a blessing, a hope for the future but until it is no longer potential and it becomes realized, potential is also a curse. The things you should or could do. The things that you have the ability but not the drive, opportunity, or availability to accomplish. So there you talents sit, like family heirlooms collecting dust on some shelve or box, protected from the elements until that great and glorious time that they can be brought forth and admired by all.

I sit here on top of potential, mired in a sea of tasks. Which path will I take? Into which way will I courage to venture?

Which path is labeled my future?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


"He's always been an excellent dribbler, both with and without the ball."

Sportscaster on TalkSport

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fall Morning

Is there any feeling in the world as refreshing as walking outdoors in the morning, with only a hint of the light of the new day, feeling the cold settle on your face, and then taking a deep breathe and feeling the cool air fill your lungs.

It’s one of those times when the world seems to be just right.

Try it.