Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Homework

I used to hate doing homework, back in the day, back when I had to. Especially when it invaded on my precious weekend. Not so much anymore.

I attended my first ever writers conference on Saturday. Held on a college campus, in classrooms, it felt like being in school again. I have to admit, though, I liked it.

It's funny how as an adult, learning is so much more enjoyable. We, this weekend, were all chomping at the bit to hear the next piece of wisdom that we each needed so desperately. We awed at the published authors imparting their wisdom, sharing their secrets, and we clapped at their conclusions.

If the other writers were like me, they left with copious amounts of notes, many with stars and exclamation points on things to start, improve or to forever cease and desist. New rules by which to live our writing lives. I left different, full of thoughts and ideas, and excited to get back to work. My work. My writing. My passion.

If you have a passion for something, fear not to try to learn from others more about it. It is not like the homework of old. It is worth surrendering a weekend, or a few bucks, or a little humility to admit someone knew something you did not. Add it to your arsenal of tools for better results and/or enjoyment.

Homework, even weekend homework, as an adult rocks!

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