Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fundamental Law of Life

A friend of mine let me borrow a tape of a speaker that meant a lot to him. The speaker was Bob Richards, Olympic gold medalist in the pole vault and a long time speaker.

Within the speech, I found a nugget of wisdom that I agree with completely. It was my hope to share it with my readers. And here it is:

Life does not go to the gifted. Life goes to the people who see life.
If there's an enigma that has always baffled me, it's this one: The smart get smarter. The rich get richer. The motivated get more motivated. The strong get stronger. Isn't that a strange enigma? You would think the laws of justice in the Universe would go the other way! That the dumb would get smarter, that the weak would get stronger. But there's a fundamental law of life and let me tell you what it is. The more motivated you become, the more you want motivation and the more you look for it. The smarter you become the more you are able to become smarter, to co-relate, to associate, to think. When you get strong, you get in shape so you can get stronger, so you can run farther, so you can get stronger.

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