Friday, July 06, 2007

Those Who Hear Not The Music, Think the Dancers Mad

The title of this blog is the title of a blogsite I saw while logging on. I have not seen the blog as the screen quickly rolled on, but it made me think. What exactly does that mean?

I have been accused of being a maverick of my own, of marching to the beat of a different drum. I guess in some ways it is true. I have always said, however, if you have to declare yourself a maverick or a rebel, you are most likely not one. You are just doing the opposite of what everyone expects, which is still the same as doing what everyone expects, just a carbon copy. Many self-proclaimed rogues are exactly that.

But the title above hits it right on the money. True mavericks do not what they do for attention, for glory, or even for celebrity; true rebels just hear and dance to different music. I cannot tell you why some things that are normal to others, such as being happy in a regular 8-5 job, are repulsive to me. Or why when others like social functions and I find them annoying. Or why people feel close to others because they share the same last name, and I feel closeness and fondness must be earned and maintained and not a birthright or duty. I cannot tell you where feelings such as these derive, but I can tell you they are not made up.

The music that I hear is a music not everyone else hears and so to me, everyone else looks mad. I also realize that I do not hear the music of the masses, and therefore, in the opinion of the masses, I am the one who is mad. But until I hear a different music, I must dance to the beat that is given.

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