Saturday, September 10, 2005

SUCCESS: S- Steering

Saturday Morning and what are you going to do? Is it planned out?

Now before you go on and start believing I’m some kind of “anal-retentive, got to plan every minute” nut, hear me out.

When I mean plan- I just mean you have previously decided what today will be. So when it starts happening, you can relax and know it’s all part of the game plan. Let me give you some examples.

Do you like to sleep in on weekend mornings? Just know in your head then that weekend mornings are for sleeping. When you wake up at 9, 10, 11- it’s OK. You planned for it. Maybe you want the whole day to be spontaneous. My suggestion would be to have that part of the program. Decide ahead of time that you are not planning anything!

I, myself, wanted to sleep in to 6. (I know that sounds sick) write my blog spot and then I am off to Lowe’s to do my "manly" shopping before breakfast with the family. The rest of my day has an agenda as well, with some open spots to do whatever the family decides.

The important part is that I am in control and have decided ahead of time what I am going to do today. I will not be frustrated later because I didn’t get to my blog, or I slept in too late and now must fight the crowds at Lowe’s. I will be able to enjoy the second half of the day, which I have no idea what that might be.

Sometimes we get too fixed on the big goals- “what I want to be when I grow up”. Although that is important- the battle is really won on the smaller goals. What am I going to do today- or even planning out tomorrow. Make each day, even if a day of play and spontaneity, part of the bigger plan of your personal success.

Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you ain’t going to get there.”

Have a great weekend!

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