Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Yes Sir!- What's In it for Me?

What's in it for me? That's a legitimate question? Why would anyone want to sacrifice for others in the name of customer service? It is because there is a lot at stake if you are willing.

If as child wants something, they become the sweet little child you always wanted. They put on the charm, the big puppy dog eyes, and they say Please, "I love you", or whatever else they think you want to hear. They try to give you what you want so they can get what they want.

In customer service, you have to be a bit more sincere than a four year old. But the principle is still there. You want to help your customers get what they want, service, so that you can get what you want, recognition, promotion, more business, etc.

Your success is undeniably tied to the ones you serve.

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want" Zig Ziglar

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